Thursday, 29 May 2014

Neon kids' card

It's been a bleary-eyed kind of few weeks in our household lately. As I write this my eyes are so sore and I've got my coffee on standby - Stanley is having another sleep regression and it is killing me! Even he seems to be tired and fed up today, so I know it's affecting both of us. We took the sides off his cot and he will now fall asleep IN the bed, without being rocked (yay for small victories!), but he still wakes up at least once (or like last night, several times) a night. I really hope this new phase is over soon! In the meantime, I've been busy with more deadlines for magazine commissions, so no rest for the wicked! Lucky for you, I managed to sneak an extra card into my working day and create this new project.
My last commission called for kids' cards with a pop of neon, and this card uses a lot of the same products that I used - Glitz Design papers, DigiStamp Boutique digital stamps and Simple Stories Sn@p cards - but minus the highlighter pen! It may be hard to envisage, but of course I will share the cards with you once the magazine hits the shelves. I was pleased with the results and I hope you'll like them too!


  1. Fabulous, love the background and papers.
    Linda xxx

  2. Super kids card- love the design and the colours - great project.


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