Wednesday, 28 January 2015

New beginnings

I've been meaning to blog this card since before Christmas - I made it a while ago for my lovely cousin and her family when they moved house. It uses some old American Crafts 5th & Frolic papers and some slightly newer Waltzingmouse Gift It stamps (which, by the way, I absolutely LOVE and I've used in a recent commission). It seems fitting to be sharing it right now, as I've got so many things in the pipeline at the moment - 2015 is proving to be a very exciting year full of new beginnings! I've been looking at nurseries for Stanley and have registered him at a perfect setting 10 minutes away, meaning I can increase my working week by a day. Plus I have so many ideas for projects, blog posts and designs, as well as an incredibly exciting job opportunity that's still in the early stages. Lots going on! Watch this space :)

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